A Influência do Agromarketing na Conscientização Ambiental: Práticas Sustentáveis

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The Influence of Agromarketing on Environmental Awareness: Sustainable Practices

February 21. 2024

Agribusiness is one of the most important sectors for the Brazilian economy, accounting for around 25% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and more than 40% of the country's exports. In addition, the sector generates millions of direct and indirect jobs, contributing to social and regional development. 

However, agribusiness also faces challenges related to environmental sustainability, such as the rational use of natural resources, preserving biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. 

Retrato de agricultor agrônomo sênior trabalhador em um campo de milho, verificando as colheitas antes da colheita
Portrait of a senior agronomist working in a cornfield, checking the crops before harvesting

In this context, agromarketing has emerged as a strategic tool for promoting a more environmentally conscious and responsible society. Find out all about it in this article.

What is agromarketing? 

First of all, it's a set of marketing techniques and actions aimed at agribusiness. 

The approach involves everything from production to the final consumption of agricultural productsThe aim is to meet the needs and expectations of customers, whether they are producers, distributors, retailers or end consumers, adding value to the products and services offered by the sector.

Agribusiness marketing also seeks to strengthen the image and reputation of companies and organizations in the sector, highlighting their competitive edge and their socio-environmental responsibility.

What are the main actions of agromarketing?

Agricultural marketing is based on four pillars: research, planning, execution and evaluation. See below.

Market research

Rural marketing uses methods and tools to collect and analyze data on the behavior, preferences and needs of consumers, producers, distributors and other agribusiness agents, as well as on the economic, political, social and environmental scenario that affects the sector.

With market researchIn this way, it is possible to identify business opportunities, segment the target audience, define marketing objectives and strategies, and evaluate results and customer satisfaction.

Educating the target audience 

Agromarketing also seeks to educate and make the target audience aware of the importance of environmental sustainability in agribusiness. 

This is usually done through informative, educational and persuasive content, which covers topics such as preserving biodiversity, conserving soil and water, reducing the use of pesticides, recycling organic waste, organic and agroecological production, among others. 

Content can be conveyed in different channels and formats, such as blogs, social networks, podcasts, videos, webinars, ebooks, infographics, etc.

Brand positioning

In addition to the actions mentioned above, agricultural marketing also seeks to building a positive and differentiated image for companies and agricultural products on the market, associating them with environmental sustainability. 

To do this, the approach uses elements such as the name, logo, slogan, colors, packaging and other elements, which should convey the values and benefits of the brands to customers and the environment. 

Aligning marketing campaigns with sustainable values

Finally, it is worth noting that agromarketing seeks to align marketing campaigns with the sustainable values of agricultural companies and products, through messages that reinforce a commitment to environmental preservation, social responsibility, transparency, quality and innovation

Campaigns can use different media and techniques, such as advertising, publicity, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, digital marketing, among others.

The role of agromarketing in raising environmental awareness

Agricultural marketing plays a fundamental role in raising environmental awareness, as it can positively influence the behavior of the agents involved in agribusiness, from producers to end consumers. Here are some of the ways:

  • Educating and raising awareness among farmers about the importance of adopting sustainable practices on a daily basis, such as integrated pest and disease management, crop rotation, recovery of degraded areas, efficient use of water and energy, among others;
  • Transparent communication throughout the production chain, informing about the origin, quality, safety and environmental impact of products, as well as the good practices adopted by producers;
  • Promotion of environmental certifications (green seal), which certify that agricultural products have been produced in accordance with environmental, social and economic sustainability criteria, ensuring greater credibility and trust for customers;
  • Digital transformation, which allows the use of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence (AI), drones and sensors, among others, to optimize production processes, reduce costs and waste, increase the productivity and quality of agricultural products and monitor environmental indicators;
  • Conscious consumption, which encourages end consumers to choose products that respect the environment and society, valuing the benefits they bring to human and animal health;
  • Encouraging sustainable development, which seeks to reconcile the economic growth of agribusiness with environmental preservation and social inclusion, generating income, employment, education, health and well-being for rural and urban populations.
Teclado com planta pequena
Keyboard with small layout

Benefits for farmers and society

Agromarketing brings benefits both to agribusiness companies and organizations and to society in general. Below, we list the main ones:

For agribusiness companies and organizations

  • Increased competitiveness, profitability, customer loyalty and satisfaction;
  • Improved image and reputation;
  • Greater access to national and international markets;
  • Innovation and differentiation of products and services;
  • Reduction of risks, costs and penalties related to environmental sustainability;
  • Greater efficiency and effectiveness in production processes;
  • Alignment with the demands and requirements of customers and society.

For society

  • More food security;
  • Higher quality and diversity of agricultural products;
  • Environmental protection and conservation;
  • Generating jobs and income;
  • Social and regional development;
  • More education and environmental awareness; 
  • Climate change mitigation;
  • Improved quality of life;
  • Conscious consumption;
  • Encouraging sustainable development.

Green marketing or agromarketing? 

Green marketing and agromarketing are two related concepts, but they are not synonymous. 

This is because green marketing is a broader approach that applies to any type of company or product that aims to minimize negative impacts or maximize positive impacts on the environment. 

As such, the approach involves everything from developing environmentally friendly products to communicating the environmental benefits of these products to consumers. In addition, it can be used by companies in different sectors, such as industry, commerce, services, etc.

Agromarketing, on the other hand, is a specific form of green marketing, but applied to agribusiness. As we have seen, it seeks to meet the needs and expectations of customers and other audiences in the agricultural sector, with a focus on environmental sustainability

As such, it involves everything from market research to marketing campaigns aimed at the agricultural sector. However, it is only applied to companies involved in the production, distribution or marketing of these products.


As we've seen in this article, agricultural marketing is a strategic tool for Brazilian agribusiness, which contributes to environmental awareness and the country's sustainable development. 

The marketing approach can generate benefits both for companies and organizations in the sector and for society in general, increasing the competitiveness, profitability, quality and diversity of agricultural products, while preserving natural resources and promoting social inclusion. 

If you want to know more about agromarketing and how it can help your business stand out in the market, talk to the marketing experts from CMLO&CO.

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