Crescimento Estratégico: Segredos do Growth marketing

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Strategic Growth: Secrets of Growth marketing

January 31. 2024

Have you ever heard of growth marketing? This is one of the trends the most innovative and efficient in digital marketing, which aims to generate accelerated and sustainable growth for companies. 

Cones de crescimento multicoloridos
Multicolored growth cones

But how does this strategy work? What are its advantages over traditional marketing? And how can you apply it to your business? In this article, we'll answer these and other questions and reveal the secrets of strategic growth to you. Check it out!

What is growth marketing?

It is a methodology that seeks to generate sustainable growth for a company through creative, experimental and data-based marketing actions that cover the entire customer lifecycle, from attraction and loyalty to referrals.

The concept of growth marketing emerged in Silicon Valley, in the United States, with the aim of helping startups to quickly scale their business with low costs and high returns. 

However, this strategy is not limited to start-ups. On the contrary! It can be applied to any type and size of business that wants to increase its customer base, revenue and reputation in the market. Its focus is on generating expressive and measurable results, at the lowest possible cost and in the shortest possible time.

How does it work?

Growth marketing works through a continuous cycle of testing, analysis and optimization, which seeks to identify the best strategies for each stage of the consumer's buying journey. 

In this case, the Growth Marketer uses quantitative and qualitative data to measure the performance of actions and make evidence-based decisions. 

In addition, he is always attentive to changes in consumer behavior and needs, adapting strategies according to new market demands.

Advantages of growth marketing over traditional marketing

Growth marketing differs from traditional marketing in several respects. Here are some of the main advantages of this approach:

  • It's broader, because it's not just about acquiring new customers, but also about retaining, earning and referring existing customers;
  • It is more agile than the traditional approach, as it uses fast and flexible methods to test and implement strategies, without relying on bureaucratic or hierarchical processes;
  • It's more efficient because it uses digital tools and channels to reach the target audience with greater precision, lower cost and greater return;
  • It uses a more creative approach, seeking innovative and original solutions to stand out from the competition and generate value for customers; 
  • It has greater adaptability, as it allows strategies to be adapted to constant changes in the market and consumer behavior.

The growth marketing sales funnel

In the marketing world, the sales funnel is a representation of the stages that a potential customer goes through until they become an actual customer. 

The growth marketing sales funnel is made up of five phases: Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue and Referral. Here's what each one means:


This is the phase in which the aim is to attract as many qualified visitors as possible to your website, blog, social networks or other digital channels. To do this, growth marketing uses techniques such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), social media, content, email marketing, among others.


This is the phase in which the aim is to turn visitors into active users of your product or service, in other words, into leads. To do this, the strategy uses techniques such as landing pages, forms, CTAs (Call to Action), ebooks, webinars, among others. 


This is the phase in which the aim is to keep users engaged and satisfied with your product or service. To do this, growth marketing uses content such as e-mail marketing, social networks, blog posts, podcasts, videos, among other formats, as well as personalization and retention strategies.


As the name suggests, this is the phase in which the aim is to turn leads into paying customers, i.e. active users of your product or service. To do this, growth marketing can use techniques such as upselling, cross-selling, freemium, subscriptions and other tactics.


The final stage consists of encouraging users to recommend your product or service to other people, through techniques such as referral programs, testimonials, reviews and other actions.

The growth marketing sales funnel differs from the inbound marketing sales funnel in that it is more dynamic, flexible and experiment-oriented. 

While inbound marketing follows a linear and standardized sequence of stages (attract, convert, relate, sell and analyze), growth marketing allows you to test different hypotheses and variables at each stage of the funnel, always seeking the best performance.

5 tips for applying the growth marketing strategy to your business

Now that you know what growth marketing is and how it works, here are some tips for applying this strategy to your business:

1. Define the objectives you want to achieve

Before embarking on any growth marketing action, it is essential to define what your objectives are. growth. For example: increase the number of website visitors by 50%, increase the conversion rate by 10%, reduce churn by 5% etc. 

But remember: these objectives must be SMART, i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

2. Use data analysis to your advantage

Another point to note before carrying out accelerated growth actions is that this is a data-based strategy. It is therefore essential to use tools and indicators that allow you to collect, analyze and interpret data on your visitors, leads and customers. 

This data will help you understand the profile, behavior and preferences of your target audience, as well as evaluate the performance of your strategies and identify opportunities for improvement. 

3. Create strategies for each stage of the sales funnel

As we saw earlier, the growth marketing sales funnel is made up of five phases: acquisition, activation, retention, revenue and referral. 

For each of them, you must create specific strategies that meet the needs and expectations of your users. 

For example: for the acquisition phase, you can create relevant content that is optimized for search engines. For the activation phase, however, you can offer a simple and intuitive user experience. 

For the retention phase, you can send personalized and segmented newsletters. Next, for the revenue phase, you can offer differentiated plans and packages. Finally, for the referral phase, you can create a rewards program for referrals.

It's worth noting that these are just a few examples of strategies, but you can adopt the ones that make the most sense for your business. The important thing is to take into account the characteristics and needs of your potential and current customers at each stage of the buying journey.

4. Monitor and be attentive to changes in the consumer's purchasing journey

The market is constantly changing and consumers are increasingly demanding and informed. 

That's why you need to keep up with and be attentive to changes in the consumer's buying journey, adapting your strategies in line with new demands and trends.

For example: if you notice that your users are using their cell phones more than their computers to access your site, you should prioritize optimizing your site for mobile devices.

Mulher ruiva, verificando o telefone
Red-haired woman, checking her phone

5. Analyze and monitor results

Finally, it is essential that you analyze and monitor the results of your growth marketing strategies, checking that they are achieving the objectives you set out earlier. 

To do this, you need to use the appropriate indicators for each stage of the sales funnel. For the acquisition phase, for example, you can use the number of visitors, organic traffic and paid traffic, while for the activation phase, you can use the conversion rate, the number of active users, the average time of use, etc.

The important thing is evaluate if your marketing actions are having the expected effect. If not, you need to make adjustments or changes to your strategies in order to optimize the results.

Is growth marketing worth it?

After learning the secrets of growth marketing, you may be wondering: is it worth investing in this strategy? 

The answer is yes! The methodology is worthwhile for any company that wants to grow in a sustainable and scalable way in the market. After all, it allows you to attract, convert, retain and build customer loyalty more efficiently and at a lower cost than traditional marketing.

However, in order to apply growth marketing to your business, you need a qualified and experienced team. And that's where CMLO&CO comes in. professional marketing and advertising agency which offers complete and customized communication solutions for your business.

CMLO&CO has a multidisciplinary team that will help you define objectives, create strategies, execute actions, analyze data and optimize your marketing campaigns so that you can achieve the strategic growth you so desire for your business! Talk to someone who knows.

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