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How does marketing impact business growth?

December 18. 2023

Have you ever wondered how marketing impacts business growth? If you are a entrepreneur, manager or professional If you want to boost your company's sales and visibility, this article is for you!

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dart arrows in the destination center business concept

In this article, we'll explain what marketing for business and its importance for companies of all sizes and market segments. By the end of this article, you'll understand how this activity can help boost your sales, build customer loyalty and strengthen your brand. Are you ready?

What is marketing?

The marketing is a field that studies the marketthe consumer and the strategies to promote products or services. This area is essential for companies and organizations that want to stand out in a competitive environment and win over new customers.

Its main objectives are to identify market opportunities, create value for customers, build lasting relationships with them and generate results for companies.

Marketing involves everything from market research, strategic planning, product and service development, to communication, distribution and after-sales.

The concept emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, with the idea that companies should adapt to the needs and desires of consumers, rather than trying to impose their products. Since then, the sector has evolved greatly, keeping pace with social, technological and economic changes. According to a report by Forrester, companies must increase their marketing investments in 30% by 2025. 

Nowadays, there are various types of marketing for businesses, such as digital, social, cultural, political, influencer and relationship marketing, among others. Each of these types has its own specificities, but they all follow the basic principles of marketing.

The marketing mix

Still on the subject of basic marketing principles, one of the best known is the 4Ps, also known as the marketing mix. These 4Ps stand for product, price, place and promotion, and represent the variables that companies can control in order to offer appropriate solutions to their target audience. 

The marketing mix must be planned according to the characteristics of the market, the competition, the consumer, the company's objectives and value proposition. Understand each of them below:

  • Product: is the good or service that the company offers to the market. It must meet the needs and expectations of consumers, have adequate quality, design, packaging, warranty and technical assistance.
  • Price: the amount the consumer pays for the product or service. The price must be compatible with the value perceived by the consumer, the company's costs and the competition.
  • Place: the distribution channel through which the product or service reaches the consumer. To offer good results, the market must be convenient, accessible and efficient.
  • Promotion: is the communication that the company makes to publicize its product or service to the market. Promotion must be persuasive, informative and creative. And this is precisely where the role of marketing comes in: to promote products or services efficiently, in order to attract consumers and set the company apart from the competition.

The importance of marketing for business

Marketing is important for companies of all sizes and market segments, as it helps them get to know their target audience better, create competitive advantages, increase visibility, build customer loyalty, generate value and strengthen their brand. 

It also contributes to innovation, sustainability and corporate social responsibility. This is possible because the activity helps develop products and services that meet market demands, are fair to consumers and stand out from the competition.

Despite its importance, business marketing also faces a number of challenges in the current scenario, such as:

  • Achieving the targets set by the company, which are often ambitious and require quick and significant results;
  • Getting away from "more of the same", differentiating yourself from the competition and offering creative and original solutions to customers;
  • Anticipating consumer behavior, understanding their motivations, preferences and trends in a dynamic and diverse market;
  • Sending the right message: communicating clearly and efficiently with customers, using the right channels and respecting ethical and legal standards;
  • Predicting the competition's next moves: monitoring competitors' actions and strategies and anticipating their moves;
  • Get more qualified leads: attract potential customers interested in the company's products or services and convert them into buyers;
  • Adapting to artificial intelligence (AI), which has been transforming the way in which marketing is made and consumed: AI makes it possible to automate processes, personalize offers, segment audiences, analyse data, generate insights and optimize decisions. However, it also brings ethical, legal and social challenges.
mulher de negócios olhando para um laptop profissional trabalhando em um projeto de gráficos de marketing
businesswoman looking for a professional laptop working on a marketing graphics project

How does marketing influence business growth?

Marketing directly influences business growth, as it is responsible for attracting, converting, retaining and delighting customers. See how each of these factors contributes to your company's success:

  • Knowing more about the profile, behavior and preferences of customers, as well as their problems and pains, makes it possible to offer personalized solutions tailored to their needs.
  • Increase brand awareness by helping to communicate the company's mission, vision, values and benefits to its target audience, generating trust and credibility.
  • Create a competitive edge by identifying and exploiting market opportunities, offering unique and customized solutions for clients.
  • Generating value for customers by understanding their needs and expectations, delivering quality products and services at a fair price and with excellent customer service.
  • Establish constant contact with customers through efficient communication channels, offering relevant content, promotions, feedback and support.
  • Fostering loyalty and recommendations, helping to exceed customer expectations, providing positive and memorable experiences that encourage repeat purchases and referrals to other consumers.
  • Optimize the sales process, reducing the cost of customer acquisition (CAC), increasing the conversion rate and the customer lifecycle value (LTV).
  • Constantly innovate in products or services, internal processes and ways of communicating with customers, keeping up with the latest developments. market trends and changes in consumer behavior.

2 successful marketing cases to inspire you

To illustrate how business marketing can positively impact your company's growth, we're going to present two successful cases that have achieved great results with their marketing actions:

Kiko Milano

MASTER CIDADANIA - Kiko Milano is an Italian cosmetics brand that stands out for offering high-quality products and a variety of colors and styles. The company uses business marketing to communicate with its target audience, mainly young women who are up-to-date with fashion and beauty trends. 

The company uses social networks such as Instagram and Facebook to promote its products, news, promotions and make-up tutorials. With this, the company manages to increase its visibility, reputation and credibility in the market, as well as attracting and retaining customers. 

In 2023 alone, more than 21 million people were reached by the brand, an increase of 142% compared to 2022.  

Master Cidadania

MASTER CIDADANIA - Master Cidadania is a company specializing in advice on obtaining Italian citizenship. The company uses marketing to educate its target audience about the benefits, requirements and procedures for obtaining Italian citizenship. 

The company produces relevant and informative content on its blog and social networks to generate authority, trust and value for its target audience. With these strategies, Master Cidadania manages to capture more than 1,000 qualified leads per month. 

Want to improve your brand positioning? CMLO&CO will help you!

Now that you know how marketing positively impacts business growth, it's time to improve your brand's positioning in the market!

And for that, you can count on CMLO&CO, a marketing and advertising agency specialized in companies of all sizes and market segments. 

CMLO&CO offers planning, creation, management and measurement services for marketing campaigns, with a focus on results. Here are some of our differentials that can make all the difference to your business:

  • A multidisciplinary and qualified team that masters the best practices and tools of offline and online marketing;
  • Personalized and close customer service, which seeks to understand your specific needs and objectives;
  • Creative and innovative solutionsThis is a great way of adapting to each company's profile and budget;
  • Transparent and detailed reports showing the performance of marketing actions and the return on investment.

Do as Kiko Milano and Master Cidadania did: trust CMLO&CO's experts, achieve significant results with your marketing actions and become the market's next success story! Contact us and discover how modern and efficient solutions can boost your sales and transform your business!

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