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10 AI tools to boost your marketing

November 23. 2023

Artificial intelligence is here to stay in the digital world. One of the most recent disruptive changes of the moment involves various tools that help professionals automate work processes.

This revolution has become essential in the constant search for expected, assertive and excellent results. In this way, AI is adding to the work with countless possibilities of use.

On the other hand, there is a current that is afraid of maximizing AI tools, in which there is a fear of substitution. Demystifying this is the responsibility of good professionals who combine the tools with their work.

Marketing, for example, has had a huge impact on marketing. From design to content marketing to data collection. It has changed the perspective of work routines, and plays important roles in optimizing time and money and even the search for results.

In this article, we'll introduce you to what AI is and how it works, good practices for using it to increase your productivity, as well as 10 tools to boost your marketing and their benefits.

Happy reading!

What is AI and how does it work?

Firstly, talking about the theoretical side of artificial intelligence, it is a science that researches and develops machines to perform human tasks. Its premise is based on the idea that it is Machine Learning, or that it is fed by humans to improve its knowledge in order to provide the best solutions.

In addition to Machine Learning, it also has NLP (or Neural Language Processing) which improves its algorithms through behavior and contexts, transforming it into a fluid and humanized conversation.

Finally, there is Deep Learning, which recognizes different formats through data to enhance experiences.

AI has artificial neural networks that simulate human learning behaviors, including subjective and intrinsic practices such as:

- Natural language;

- Decision-making;

- Reasoning;

- Problem solving.

When used, their algorithms work to create unique experiences for users.

On the other hand, the practice is simpler than you might think. Professionals develop these technologies with human-machine interaction in mind, to make them easy to use. In other words, they are inclusion tools and software.

They work to store data in order to improve tools. Thus, algorithms access your entire database to match human activities.

It therefore becomes a tool to help humans carry out activities that can be automated to bring efficiency and optimize time.

This machine training then combines the codes to transform and make life easier for many professionals in various fields, including marketing.

10 AI tools to boost your marketing

There are possibilities in all areas of marketing to explore and develop content that, with the help of AI, helps you and your marketing team to work with excellence and efficiency.

As we see it, AI does not replace human labor, since creativity overrides AI resources,

We present 10 tools for different areas of marketing to automate and scale your business. We've divided them into writing, design, digital marketing, productivity and


The most famous, and the one that popularized knowledge about artificial intelligence, is undoubtedly GPT Chat.

The tool is a conversation simulator designed to provide a user experience with fluid and natural language and conversation. In short, it has the same formula as Google, which is able to process a large amount of information in less than a second to provide relevant content for those looking for answers.

What's also interesting about the start of the GPT platform is that it searches for answers using keywords, or the well-known SEO, which analyzes data patterns to bring up search results.


This tool is based on generating images using text commands. For example: create a scene where people are talking about business. Include green and black color palettes with comfortable furniture. In a "magic touch", the image generates as you imagined.

And, of course, the best way to use it is to use it as the basis of your creation and imagination to modify the images.


Power BI is a data analysis tool for businesses. The software is a database that gathers and organizes data to offer the best insights in real time.

What's more, Power BI is easy to navigate via dashboards where you can view everything interactively and dynamically. All of this is integrated with your business.

AI in Power BI automates all manual work, offering agility and time savings.


Synthesia is a video editing and creation platform. Here you can create videos in a few minutes using the same logic as Adobe Firefly: by inserting text commands.

In addition to its agility, this tool allows you to create in more than 120 languages and without the need to know anything about editing.


Create complex code for your site without difficulty. More than that, this AI does a complete scan of your site to understand the structure so as not to break sites and create solutions for usability, navigability and speed.

All of this is maximized, since there is no need to install any more plugins to complement the site.

Another advantage of using this tool is that it searches for website flow solutions for yours. In other words, CodeWP directs you to the best solutions to improve the user experience.


Hubspot's AI tools take your marketing to the next level. It is the most complete and comprehensive AI tool, ranging from text creation to website development.

 At the same time, Hubstpot offers automated content strategies to increase the productivity of the entire team.

Finally, it also presents real-time reports and offers insights into every aspect of your company.


As its name implies, it is an AI for developing copy for marketing and sales. Its competitive advantage is that it is powered by professionals in the field, which gives it an excellent quality gain.

As a result, you'll find ready-made templates to adapt to your business, saving you time and money.

It can be used for a variety of media and formats, from articles to paid traffic ads and even social media captions.


With a vast database, Zendesk has entered the AI era with a proposal to automate the user experience with regard to customer service.

One of Zendesk's products is the chatbot and, through AI, it offers solutions for chatting with customers in an automated way.

Artificial intelligence gathers all the necessary support information and provides the best solutions in just a few minutes. What's more, when it's necessary for a professional to get in touch, the AI chatbot organizes itself to present all the questions required in the service process.

What's more, Zendesk's AI provides services to improve the customer experience. Through its database, Zendesk develops and finds opportunities, anticipating the possible problems that may arise.


Herospark's platform brings together complete marketing management for sales.

It automates all sales stages through automated solutions to improve the customer experience.

Among the main features are:

- Organizing appointments;

- Remarketing automation;

- Email marketing tracking.

- Automated sales funnel.


A new way to participate in your company's meetings. You no longer have to try to remember or write down everything important in the meeting.

Rumi provides summaries, action items, insights and, what's more, translations into several languages.

On the other hand, if you've missed the meeting, Rumi keeps everything organized and recorded so you can access it whenever you want to stay on top of everything.

There are an increasing number of tools, free or not, that are similar to these 10 tools we've presented to you. The golden tip is to use at least one of each type we've presented above to optimize your marketing assertively.

Benefits of AI for your marketing

As we've shown above, AI brings several quality gains to many marketing agencies. It brings significant changes to the work routines of all creative, planning and analysis sectors.

Here are some of the main benefits of AI in the corporate marketing world>


Productivity increases as automation takes over professionals' routines.

Repetitive tasks are eliminated, allowing professionals to concentrate on tasks that really bring satisfactory results.

Improved results

With AI bringing more and more rapid analysis with its large volume of data, decision-making is based on refined reports to bring increasingly accurate insights.

Saving time and money

AI makes it possible to accelerate results at scale. With this, the tools help to reduce various operating costs and repetitive human work to centralize on inexpensive tools that bring agility to production.

Customer experience

AI promises to speed up service, solve problems and provide agile solutions to help customers make decisions.

Through the database, AI anticipates and presents all possible answers to potential customers who may have any kind of difficulty with their purchase.

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