Marketing de Conteúdo Evergreen: Criando Valor Duradouro

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Evergreen Content Marketing: Creating Lasting Value

January 24. 2024

Have you ever heard of evergreen content marketing? If you want to create a successful digital marketing strategy, this concept is essential to understand and apply to your business. 

Conceito de conteúdo em uma tela de laptopConceito de conteúdo em uma tela de laptop
Content concept on a laptop screen

In this article, we'll explain what this content production strategy is and why it's so important, and how CMLO&CO can help you exploit the full potential of this type of marketing to generate more value for your audience and more results for your company. Let's go?

Unraveling the meaning of evergreen content marketing

The term evergreen comes from English and means "always green". It is generally used to refer to something that does not lose its relevance or validity with the passage of time. 

In content marketingevergreen is a type of content that doesn't become obsolete or outdated, but remains useful, interesting and attractive to the target audience.

We'll explain!

An example of evergreen content is an article that teaches you how to make a chocolate cake. 

Note that this type of content does not depend on fashions, trends or seasonality, but on a permanent need or interest on the part of the public.

It can therefore be accessed and consumed at any time, regardless of when it was published.

On the other hand, an example of content that isn't evergreen is an article about the latest Oscars. 

Note that this type of content has a short shelf life, as it loses the public's interest soon after the event. It may even generate a peak audience at the time of publication, but then fall by the wayside.

The importance of evergreen content marketing

Evergreen content marketing is important for several reasons. Here are some of them:

Increases organic traffic

Evergreen content tends to rank better in search engines, as it is considered more relevant and authoritative by the algorithms. 

What's more, they receive more constant visits because they don't lose their value over time.

Generates more engagement

Timeless content is more likely to generate comments, shares and interactions on social networks, as it arouses the interest and curiosity of the public. 

They also help to create a relationship of trust and credibility with readers, as they demonstrate that the brand has knowledge and experience on the subject.

Increases conversion

Evergreen content marketing can be used to educate, inform and persuade potential customers throughout the buying journey. 

It can also be used to nurture leads, offer solutions and encourage decision-making. In this way, it helps to increase the chances of conversion and customer loyalty.

Optimizes your return on investment (ROI)

Content with no expiration date is more cost-effective than perishable content, as it requires less investment in production and updating. 

And because they have a longer lifespan, they generate more return in terms of traffic, engagement and conversion.

In other words, you produce once and reap the rewards for a long time, without having to spend more resources updating or replacing the content.

Mão segurando uma seta de crescimento com moedas
Hand holding a growth arrow with coins

Advantages of evergreen content marketing

In addition to the benefits we've already mentioned, timeless content also offers other advantages for your digital marketing strategy. Here are some of them:

Differentiates your brand from the competition

By investing in evergreen content marketing, you show that your brand has authority and knowledge about your niche market. 

You also stand out from competitors who only produce dated or superficial content.

Increase your brand's reach

By creating evergreen content, you expand the possibilities of reaching new audiences and markets. 

This is because your content can be found by people who are looking for information on your topic at different times and in different contexts.

Create a lasting digital asset

Evergreen content is a digital asset that can generate value for your brand for a long time. 

By investing in this strategy, you can even create a collection of content that can be reused, repackaged or redisseminated in different channels and formats.

Generate more leads and sales for your company

Another advantage of evergreen content is that it can be used as digital bait to capture the data of your potential customers. 

They can also be used as part of your nutrition strategy. leadseducating them about your product or service and leading them through the sales funnel.

Main evergreen content formats

If you want to bet on evergreen content marketing, know that there are several content formats that can be considered timeless and relevant. Some of the most common are:

  • Guides: content that teaches you how to do something step by step, such as a guide on how to put together a business plan or a guide on how to organize a birthday party;
  • Lists: content that presents a series of items on a particular topic, such as a list of books that every entrepreneur should read or a list of movies that have marked the history of cinema;
  • Tips: content that offers advice or recommendations on a subject, such as tips on how to save money or tips on how to take care of your mental health;
  • Tutorials: evergreen content that shows how to use a tool, product or service, such as a tutorial on how to use Photoshop or a tutorial on how to make an online purchase;
  • Reviews: content that evaluates or analyzes a work, a product or a service, such as a review of a book, a film or a restaurant;
  • Case studies: tell real stories of success or failure involving a brand, a product or a service, such as a case study of how Netflix revolutionized the streaming market or a case study of how Coca-Cola has reinvented itself over the years.

Evergreen content marketing: examples of timeless content for you to explore

To inspire you, here are some evergreen content themes you can create for your business:

  • How to create a digital marketing strategy from scratch;
  • 10 mistakes you should avoid when writing email marketing;
  • What SEO is and why it's essential for your site;
  • How to do efficient and inexpensive market research;
  • 5 free tools to create amazing videos;
  • What inbound marketing is and how to apply it to your strategy;
  • How to create a persona for your target audience;
  • How to write irresistible titles for your content;
  • How to measure the success of your digital marketing campaigns.

Note that all these themes (or titles, if you prefer) are not tied to a trend, a fad, a season or time of year. As such, they can be consumed without restriction.

How can you create timeless content for your business?

Now that you know what evergreen content marketing is and what its advantages are, you may be wondering: how do you create timeless content for your business? 

Don't worry, we'll give you some practical tips to get you started. Take a look:

Research your market

Before creating any content, you need to know your market well. This includes knowing your target audience, your competitors, your suppliers, your partners and your opportunities. 

This way, you can identify your audience's needs, interests, pains and desires. And then you can create content that is relevant and valuable to them.

Choose timeless and relevant themes

Once you've done your research, you need to choose the themes for your content. 

To do this, however, you should choose topics that are timeless and relevant to your niche. In other words, topics that don't depend on external factors, such as commemorative dates, seasonal events or momentary news. 

Also, topics that are important and interesting to your audience and that are related to your product or service.

Keep up with trends and changes in your sector

Despite choosing timeless themes, you shouldn't ignore the trends and changes in your sector. 

On the contrary, you should always be aware of what is happening in your market and in the world and adapt your content as necessary. 

For example, if there is a change in legislation, technology or consumer behavior that affects your business or your audience, you should update your content to reflect this change.

Spread your evergreen content on the right channels

There's no point in investing in evergreen content marketing, creating great topics and them not reaching your audience. 

That's why it's essential to define the best dissemination channels for your content, taking into account the profile, behavior and preferences of your target audience. 

Some examples of channels you can explore are: website, blog, social networks, email marketing, podcasts, videos, etc. 

The important thing is that they are suitable for your type of content, your audience and your objectives. 

Update your content regularly

Finally, don't forget to review and update your evergreen content periodically to ensure that it remains relevant, useful and interesting to your audience.

You can use new market trends and changes in consumer behavior to include new information, data, examples, images, etc. 

If you have used links, make sure they are not broken or have not changed the direction of the content.

Explore evergreen content marketing with CMLO&CO

Do you want to exploit the potential of evergreen content marketing in your business, but don't know where to start or don't have the time or resources to do it yourself?

Then count on the help of CMLO&CO, marketing and advertising agency with over 12 years' experience in the market.

Our team of qualified and experienced professionals will understand your needs and objectives and create customized content for your company. 

Don't waste time and contact CMLO&CO today. You'll be amazed at the results this marketing strategy can bring to your business!

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