Redes sociais Eagle's Flight
Eagle's Flight, a multinational and the world's largest corporate training company, aimed to reach HR directors and CEOs of Brazil's largest companies and multinationals through social networks and online strategies. The challenge was to show this overqualified audience the difference the company's corporate training makes, which is unlike anything else on the market. It was necessary to develop an effective approach that would attract the attention of this audience through LinkedIn.
We defined a new visual identity for LinkedIn and Instagram, adjusting the tone of communication to speak to the C-Level. At the same time, we modernized the website and produced complementary materials for in-person events, with the aim of attracting more people to our digital channels. The aim of these actions was to strengthen Eagle's Flight's online presence and show a little of the experience that takes place in its trainings, to generate qualified leads and communication via Hubspot's relationship ruler to warm up this lead.
With the new communication, we strengthened the relationship with old clients through communication and inbound marketing strategies. The actions resulted in greater closure and participation of these leads in face-to-face and online events, as well as exponential growth in social media metrics. The effective approaches brought Eagle's Flight increased sales and closed major clients, such as Coca-Cola. Eagle's Flight renewed its partnership with CMLO&CO and we've already been working together for three years.