Como escolher a agência de marketing ideal para seu negócio

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How do you choose the right marketing agency for your business?

December 13. 2023

The marketing is an essential area for the success of any company, as it is responsible for planning, executing and evaluating strategies to attract, convert and retain customers. However, companies don't always have the time, resources or knowledge to carry out product and/or service promotions efficiently and professionally. That's where the role of a marketing agency.

If you're starting a business or looking for ways to improve the results of your current company, it's important to hire a company manager. marketing company right. But how do you know which one is right, given so many possibilities?

In this article, we'll share some tips on how to choose the best marketing agency for your company. With efficient strategies tailored to the needs of your business, you'll increase your sales, win more customers and stand out in the market. Follow us!

What is a marketing agency?

A marketing agency is a company that specializes in offering communication and marketing services to other companies, according to their needs, objectives and target audience. Versatile, the specialized company can work in various areas, such as:

  • Digital marketing: involves the use of online tools and channels to promote a brand on the internet, generate traffic, leads and sales. Currently, it is the strategy used by 94% of the companies to grow.
  • Content marketing: consists of producing and distributing relevant and educational content to the target audience, with the aim of informing, engaging and generating authority, such as blog posts, e-books, infographics, podcasts, videos, among others.
  • Influencer marketing: involves people with great power of persuasion and reach on social networks to promote the company's brand, products or services, such as youtubers, bloggers, instagrammers, among others.
  • Offline marketing: the use of traditional media to promote the company's brand and products or services, such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and billboards.
  • Technology: creation of optimized, responsive websites, blogs, online stores and applications tailored to the needs of each business.
  • Branding: creating a unique visual identity for the brand, such as logos, colors, graphic materials, tone of voice, among other elements, to stand out from the competition and connect emotionally with your customers.

What does a marketing agency do?

As we pointed out earlier, a marketing company carries out various activities to help companies achieve their goals of attracting, converting and retaining customers, both in the internet and outside of it.

Therefore, in addition to the areas of activity, the agency carries out the following steps to achieve these objectives and achieve excellent results:

  • Diagnosis: the agency analyzes the client's profile, its market, its competitors, its strengths and weaknesses, its opportunities and threats, and defines its marketing objectives and goals.
  • Planning: stage that consists of drawing up a detailed action plan, with the strategies, tools, channels, deadlines and costs involved in the client's marketing campaigns.
  • Execution: this is the stage in which the agency puts the action plan into practice, creating and publishing content, managing social networks and ads, monitoring traffic and conversions, among other activities.
  • Evaluation: consists of measuring the performance of the client's marketing campaigns, using indicators such as visits, leads, sales, return on investment (ROI), among others. The agency also submits periodic reports to the client with the results obtained and recommendations for improvement.

5 good reasons to hire a marketing agency

Hiring the right marketing agency can bring several benefits to companies, such as:


By hiring the best marketing agency, the company doesn't need to invest in infrastructure, equipment or its own staff to carry out marketing activities. In addition, the agency can negotiate better prices with suppliers and media outlets.


Another benefit of hiring a marketing agency to take care of promoting your brand, products and services is that the company has qualified and experienced professionals in various areas of marketing. This guarantees more creative, innovative and effective work.


By outsourcing the marketing department, the company also gains more speed in executing its campaigns. After all, a good agency already has defined and optimized processes for each type of service. It also has a robust team capable of meeting the client's demands quickly and efficiently.


By hiring a marketing company, an organization can concentrate on its core business. This is because it can leave communication issues in the hands of someone who really understands the subject.


Finally, it is worth pointing out that by hiring a strategic partner, the company increases its chances of obtaining positive results from marketing.

Not least because the agency has the knowledge and skills to create campaigns that generate traffic, leads, sales and customer loyalty.

How do you choose the right marketing agency for your company?

Faced with the benefits that a marketing company can offer your business, you may be wondering: how do you choose the best option from the many available on the market?

To help you make this decision, we've put together 7 tips that you should take into account when making your choice:

1. Define your objectives and your needs

Before choosing a marketing agency, you need to be clear about what you hope to achieve with the investment. And also what your company's main demands are in terms of communication and marketing.

This way, you can look for a marketing company that has the experience and expertise to meet your expectations.

2. Research the agency's portfolio and success stories

Another way to assess the quality and credibility of a marketing agency is to look at its portfolio and its success stories that it presents on its website or social networks.

So make sure that the projects carried out by the agency are compatible with your segment, your target audience and your style.

3. Get to know the agency's team and culture

Another important aspect when choosing a marketing company for your business is getting to know the team and the company culture.

In this sense, find out who the professionals are who will be working on your project. Find out what their qualifications, specialties and differentials are.

Also, check that the agency has an organizational culture that matches your company. Analyze whether there are common values, transparency, commitment and trust in the relationship.

4. Compare the prices and services offered

Of course, price is a relevant factor when it comes to hiring the right marketing agency, but it shouldn't be the only criterion.

You need to compare the prices with the services offered by the agency, taking into account the cost-benefit ratio, the return on investment (ROI) and the quality of the work.

It's also important to check for flexibility in negotiations. In other words, if there is the possibility of adjusting the budget or the scope of the project according to your company's needs.

5. Check the agency's availability and communication

Another essential point when choosing the right marketing agency is to check that they are available and easy to communicate with.

It is essential that there is a direct and frequent channel of communication between the agency and the client, so that expectations, strategies and feedback are aligned.

In addition, the agency must have the capacity to meet your company's demands within the established deadlines.

6. Ask for references and testimonials

One way of validating the reputation and satisfaction of clients with a marketing agency is to ask for references and testimonials. 

You can contact other clients of the agency and ask them about the quality of the services provided, whether deadlines were met, the service and support they received, among other aspects.

Why is CMLO&CO the best choice?

If you're looking for a marketing agency that meets all these criteria and more, then you need to get to know CMLO&CO.

We are a marketing and advertising agency that offers complete and integrated solutions for your business to grow. With over 12 years' experience in the market and a multidisciplinary team made up of qualified professionals who are passionate about what they do, we help our clients achieve their goals and stand out from the competition.

Among the main services offered by CMLO&CO are:

With CMLO&CO, you don't just choose the ideal marketing agency for your business.

With us, you have a strategic partnership that will improve your company's performance in the market through modern, effective and high-performance communication, capable of delighting your customers.

Talk to our marketing and advertising experts and find out how we can boost your business.

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